New Store Feature | Personalized Product Preview ✨

Your Photos on Every Product

Present your store products in a new light with Personalized Product Preview. This feature will overlay photos in your galleries directly on product images, creating a unique personalized store experience.
Click buy photos in our example gallery to see it in action.

Personalized Shopping Experience

Elevate your business offering with personalized products. From browsing Gallery photos to shopping on your Store, client photos are now centre stage.

Wall Art Room Preview

Personalized products coupled with our wall art editor helps take the guessing work out of decision making. See products come to life in an instant with our wall art editor and in-room preview.

Get Started with Personalized Product Preview

With one-click, you can automatically have your photos on every store product. For a more tailored feel, you can choose up to six photos for each gallery to use on store product photos.

Enabling Personalized Product Preview

Go to your Collection Settings > Store > Personalized Product Preview and turn ON this feature.

Can I turn this off?

Yes, you can turn off the Personalized Product Preview option under your individual Collection's store settings.

Does this work for self-fulfillment?

No, Personalized Product Preview only works for automatic fulfillment products.

What's new with Store

  • New bulk photo selection for self-fulfill products.
  • New matte art prints added to Atkins Pro lab
  • Ability to update all client information during order delay

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