Pixieset Plans Just Got Bigger

We are expanding the storage for our most popular plans. No strings attached. You simply get more for the same price.

As you grow, we want our plans to grow with you. More storage could mean keeping your galleries online for longer, or never having to worry about hitting a storage limit (hello Unlimited!). Whatever it is that you need, we have a plan for you.


Your account will automatically have the new storage amount based on your subscription. There is no action required on your end. You can see all the latest plans on our pricing page.

More to come in 2019

We aspire to become the platform where photographers will find beautiful, simple, and easy-to-use tools that power their businesses end to end. We’ve got a lot in store for 2019. You can have a sneak peek. We can’t wait to show you more of what we’ve been working on.

As always, don’t hesitate to let us know your thoughts and feedback!

- The Pixieset Team

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